openEO Virtual User Workshop

Written on September 2, 2020 by Matthias Schramm.


Presentations and Notebooks of the user workshop can be downloaded here (opens new window).

openEO hosts a (virtual) user workshop on 19 October 2020 (10:30 - 16:30 CEST in two parts) and encourages interested parties to register for this event at (opens new window).

Needed preparation: Manuals for installing the various client APIs, recommended for testing openEO in guided sessions, can be found in the User Documentation under Getting Started.

User questionnaire: Please help us also by spending some minutes for this user questionnaire (opens new window).

Access details: Please click the session topics below to connect to the corresponding sessions in Microsoft Teams.


Part 1
No. Start Duration Topic Remark
1.1 10:30h 30min Introduction into openEO + technical overview
1.2 11:00h 20min Overview backends
1.3 11:20h 20min Overview processes + documentation
1.4 11:40h 5min Installation of openEO
1.5 11:45h 15min Q/A: Backends, Installation, Q/A Chat Questionaire
Break for users to install openEO, partners stay available in chat for answering questions on that in bilateral talks
Part 2
No. Start Duration Topic Remark
2.1 14:00h 5min Welcome back / Ways for users to approach to openEO
Live Demontrations, Part 1
2.2a 14:05h 20min Python Client Parallel session
2.2b 14:05h 20min JavaScript Client + mobile application
14:25h 5min Short break / Switching sessions
Live Demontrations, Part 2
2.3a 14:30h 20min Web Editor + QGIS Parallel session
2.3b 14:30h 20min R Client
14:50h 5min Short break / Switching sessions
Guided Sessions and Q/A
2.4a 14:55h 60min Guided room for users to test the R Client Parallel session
2.4b 14:55h 60min Guided room for users to test the Python Client
2.4c 14:55h 60min Guided room for users to test other clients
2.5a 15:55h 15min Q/A and Discussions: R Client Parallel session
2.5b 15:55h 15min Q/A and Discussions: Python
2.5c 15:55h 15min Q/A and Discussions: Other clients
Wrap up
2.6 16:10h 20min Q/A; Discussion on user needs, future work

Background: openEO is a user-driven open source API, which grants a uniform communication between the Earth Observation (EO) data user community and diverse EO cloud service providers. Thus, it aims for a cross-platform interoperability to ease a comparison, the cooperation and the switch between them. The project consortium (H2020 Grant No 776242) released a stable version of the openEO API, covering standardised online processing of all aspects of an EO data life cycle on diverse cloud platforms.

In this User Workshop, the audience is provided with insight into the functionalities of the openEO API. In various live demonstration and training sessions, real demonstration cases will be explained from the user perspective. Possible applications of the openEO API will be presented for different access levels – from the use of programming languages to browser based model builders or mobile applications. Target audience for this event are programmers, decision makers, as well as third-party cloud EO service providers.