# API Profiles

The following image provides an overview of the openEO API profiles. The minimal profile that allows an openEO API implementation to be called "openEO-compliant" is L1 Minimal with additionally compliance to at least of L1A, L1B, or L1C.

The hierarchy of openEO API profiles: L1 Minimal -> L1A/B/C -> L2 Recommended -> L3 Advanced (with sub-profiles) -> L4 Above and Beyond
An overview of the openEO API profiles.
  • L1 Minimal ensures that the openEO implementation has a minimal set of functionality which allow users to execute basic use-cases.
  • L2 Recommended add functionality that we recommend to be available so that users can more effectively make use of the openEO implementation.
  • L3 Advanced allows users to execute more advanced use cases. The sub-profiles can add a specific set of functionalities centered around specific needs:
    • L3-UDF adds support for User-Defined Functions (users can run custom source code)
    • L3-FS adds support for File Storage (users can upload, use, and delete custom files)
    • L3-SWS adds advanced suppoort for Secondary Web Services (e.g. on-demand processing through a tiling service such as OGC WMTS)
  • L4 Above and Beyond adds very specific and complex requirements for very specific and highly advanced use cases. Additionally, there are also various API extensions defined in the API specification, which are not listed as part of the profiles.

In the following chapter you can find a list of requirements per profile, grouped by categories.

# Requirements per Profile

# L1: Minimal

# API fundamentals

# Functionality Description
1 All > CORS OPTIONS method with all headers
2 All > CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
3 All > CORS Access-Control-Expose-Headers for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
4 All > HTTPS HTTPS supported
5 All > UTF-8 Charset is UTF-8 for all requests and responses
6 All > Error Handling Returns HTTP status codes between 400 and 599 for errors
7 All > Error Handling Returns a JSON object with at least code and message properties
13 All > Process Graphs Callback support

# Well-known Discovery

# Functionality Description
21 GET /.well-known/openeo Valid response with at least url and api_version per instance (without authentication)

# Capabilities

# Functionality Description
30 GET / Valid response with at least api/backend/stac_version, id, title, description, endpoints and links (w/o auth)
31 GET / > endpoints All implemented endpoints listed with methods
32 GET / > endpoints No endpoints listed that are not implemented or faulty
33 GET / > api_version Implements openEO API version 1.2.0 (or 1.1.0)
34 GET / > stac_version Implements STAC version 1.0.0 (or 0.9.0)

# File Formats

# Functionality Description
40 GET /file_formats Valid response with input and output properties
41 GET /file_formats Works without authentication
42 GET /file_formats Works with authentication
43 GET /file_formats > output At least one output file format available
46 GET /file_formats File format names get accepted case Insensitive
48 GET /file_formats Each format has at least gis_data_types and parameters

# Authentication

# Functionality Description
100 Bearer token follows the specified format (method/identityProviderId/token)
101 All that require a Bearer token > Error Handling Returns HTTP status codes 401 if no authentication details are provided
102 All that require a Bearer token > Error Handling Returns HTTP status codes 403 if invalid credentials or credentials with insufficient permissions are provided
110 GET /credentials/* At least one authentication method is supported (HTTP Basic or OIDC)

# Pre-defined Processes

# Functionality Description
200 GET /processes Valid response with at least processes and links as arrays
201 GET /processes Works without authentication
202 GET /processes Works with authentication
204 GET /processes > limit parameter All processes are returned if no limit parameter is provided
209 GET /processes > processes Missing properties in the process objects are not set to null if not valid according to the OpenAPI schema

# Collections

# Functionality Description
300 GET /collections Valid response with at least collections and links as arrays
301 GET /collections Works without authentication
302 GET /collections Works with authentication
303 GET /collections Supports a valid STAC version (0.9.0 or later, preferrably 1.0.0).
306 GET /collections > limit parameter All collections are returned if no limit parameter is provided
307 GET /collections > collections All collections are valid according to the STAC specification 0.9 or later (stac_version, id, description, license, extent and links are required)
313 GET /collections > collections Missing properties in the collection objects are not set to null if not valid according to the OpenAPI schema
320 GET /collections/{id} Is supported
321 GET /collections/{id} Response is valid according to the STAC specification 0.9 or later (additionally, cube:dimensions and summaries are required)
322 GET /collections/{id} Works without authentication
323 GET /collections/{id} Works with authentication
326 GET /collections/{id} > cube:dimensions All collections provide their actual data cube dimensions

# Data Processing

# Functionality Description
700 status Job follows described status changes (see description of status property in GET /jobs/{id})
701 At least one of batch jobs, secondary web services or synchronous processing is implemented

# L1A: Minimal - Synchronous Processing

# Synchronous Processing

# Functionality Description
900 POST /result Is supported (with authentication)
901 POST /result > process Only accepts valid process submissions
905 POST /result Returns HTTP status 200 on success with the data in the response body, HTTP status codes 4XX or 5XX on failure with valid response body
906 POST /result > Content-Type header Returns suitable media type for the requested file format (not always application/octet-stream) in the Content-Type header
910 POST /result Rejects processing if a payment is required.

# L1B: Minimal - Batch Jobs

# Batch Jobs

# Functionality Description
710 GET /jobs Is supported (with authentication)
711 GET /jobs Valid response with at least jobs and links as arrays
713 GET /jobs > limit parameter All jobs are returned if no limit parameter is provided
714 GET /jobs > jobs The served job metadata is valid according to the specification (id, status and created are required)
715 GET /jobs > jobs title is provided for all jobs (if provided by the user)
730 POST /jobs Supports creating batch jobs (with authentication)
731 POST /jobs > process Only accepts valid process submissions
734 POST /jobs Supports storing title and description
736 POST /jobs Returns HTTP status 201 and OpenEO-Identifier + Location header if successful
737 POST /jobs > status Job status is "created" after successful creation of the job, the data processing does not start yet
750 GET /jobs/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
751 GET /jobs/{id} Returns at least id, process, status and created
752 GET /jobs/{id} title and description are available if provided by the user
754 GET /jobs/{id} > status Correctly reports status (and progress, if supported)
780 DELETE /jobs/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
781 DELETE /jobs/{id} Deletes the job and returns a HTTP 204 on success, otherwise a 4XX.

# Batch Jobs > Results

# Functionality Description
850 POST /jobs/{id}/results Supports queueing/starting jobs (with authentication)
851 POST /jobs/{id}/results Queues or starts the processing, which is reflected in the job status. Does nothing if already queued or running. Responds with HTTP status 202.
852 POST /jobs/{id}/results Rejects queueing a job if a payment is required.
860 GET /jobs/{id}/results Is supported (with authentication)
861 GET /jobs/{id}/results Returns HTTP status code 200 if the result is available, HTTP status code 424 with error message if the job status is "error", 4XX/5XX otherwise.
863 GET /jobs/{id}/results > partial parameter If processing has not finished and the partial parameter is not set to true, requests are rejected with openEO error JobNotFinished.
865 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Response is a valid STAC Item or Collection
866 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Supports a valid STAC version (0.9.0 or later, preferrably 1.0.0).
869 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Assets all have an href and type, ideally also a title
870 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Additional metadata is provided for the results (e.g. extents, projection, bands, dimensions). Please provide details in the comments.
871 GET /jobs/{id}/results > public access link Support canonical links (a public access signed URL, exposed as link with relation type canonical)
872 GET /jobs/{id}/results > public access link Exposes the expires property in the response body
890 DELETE /jobs/{id}/results Is supported (with authentication)
891 DELETE /jobs/{id}/results Cancels data processing (if queued or running), optionally deletes the batch job results and returns a HTTP 202 on success.

# L1C: Minimal - Secondary Web Services

# Secondary Web Service Discovery

# Functionality Description
600 GET /service_types Is supported
601 GET /service_types Works without authentication
602 GET /service_types Works with authentication
603 GET /service_types Valid response with at least configuration and process_parameters per service

# Secondary Web Services

# Functionality Description
610 GET /services Is supported (with authentication)
611 GET /services Valid response with at least services and links as arrays
613 GET /services > limit parameter All services are returned if no limit parameter is provided
614 GET /services > services The served service metadata is valid according to the specification (id, url, type and enabled are required)
615 GET /services > services title is provided for all services (if provided by the user)
630 POST /services Supports creating services (with authentication)
631 POST /services > process Only accepts valid process submissions
632 POST /services > configuration Supports configuration parameters, rejects invalid configuration parameters
633 POST /services > type Rejects invalid types, accepts types case insensitive
636 POST /services Supports storing title, description and enabled
638 POST /services Returns HTTP status 201 and OpenEO-Identifier + Location header if successful
650 GET /services/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
651 GET /services/{id} Returns at least id, url, type, enabled, process, configuration and attributes
652 GET /services/{id} title and description are available if provided by the user
680 DELETE /services/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
681 DELETE /services/{id} Deletes the service and returns a HTTP 204 on success, otherwise a 4XX.

# API fundamentals

# Functionality Description
9 All > Process Graphs Namespace support
11 All > Process Graphs Use user-defined processes (in process_id)
12 All > Process Graphs Parameter support (use of from_parameter)

# Well-known Discovery

# Functionality Description
20 GET /.well-known/openeo Not part of the main API tree / not versioned

# Capabilities

# Functionality Description
35 GET / > billing Billing information are provided

# File Formats

# Functionality Description
44 GET /file_formats File format names aligned with GDAL
47 GET /file_formats Each format has a description describing their structure and relation to data cubes.
49 GET /file_formats title and description are provided for all file formats

# Authentication

# Functionality Description
112 GET /credentials/oidc OIDC is supported (without authentication for discovery requests)

# User Account

# Functionality Description
120 GET /me Is supported (with authentication)
121 GET /me > user_id Returns a unique user ID

# Pre-defined Processes

# Functionality Description
206 GET /processes > processes All processes are customized to reflect the actual implementation status (removal of unsupported parameters, updates to parameter schemas, etc.)
207 GET /processes > processes Summaries and categories are provided for all processes

# Collections

# Functionality Description
304 GET /collections Implements STAC API - Collections (https://api.stacspec.org/v1.0.0/collections)
308 GET /collections > collections License links are provided for non-SPDX license identifiers
309 GET /collections > collections All collections provide a title and keywords
310 GET /collections > collections Extents report the actual availability of data and don't overpromise
325 GET /collections/{id} > stac_extensions Lists all extensions that are used in the document

# User-defined processes

# Functionality Description
400 GET /process_graphs Is supported (with authentication)
401 GET /process_graphs Valid response with at least processes and links as arrays
403 GET /process_graphs > limit parameter All processes are returned if no limit parameter is provided
404 GET /process_graphs > processes All stored processes are valid according to the specification (id is required)
405 GET /process_graphs > processes Missing properties in the process objects are not set to null if missing (allowed only for: summary, description, parameters, returns)
410 PUT /process_graphs/{id} > create Supports creating new processes (with authentication)
411 PUT /process_graphs/{id} > update Supports updating existing processes (required only if creating new processes is supported)
412 PUT /process_graphs/{id} Only accepts valid process submissions (id and process_graph required, given process must be valid)
413 PUT /process_graphs/{id} > id If the id given in the request body is not equal to the given process_graph_id in the path, updates the id given in the request body.
414 PUT /process_graphs/{id} Fully replaces the process if a user-defined process with the given ID exists.
420 GET /process_graphs/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
421 GET /process_graphs/{id} Valid response with at least id and process_graph
422 GET /process_graphs/{id} Missing properties in the process objects are not set to null if missing (allowed only for: summary, description, parameters, returns)
430 DELETE /process_graphs/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
431 DELETE /process_graphs/{id} Deletes the process and returns a HTTP 204 on success, otherwise a 4XX.

# Data Processing

# Functionality Description
702 At least two of batch jobs, secondary web services or synchronous processing are implemented

# Batch Jobs

# Functionality Description
710 GET /jobs Is supported (with authentication)
711 GET /jobs Valid response with at least jobs and links as arrays
713 GET /jobs > limit parameter All jobs are returned if no limit parameter is provided
714 GET /jobs > jobs The served job metadata is valid according to the specification (id, status and created are required)
715 GET /jobs > jobs title is provided for all jobs (if provided by the user)
730 POST /jobs Supports creating batch jobs (with authentication)
731 POST /jobs > process Only accepts valid process submissions
734 POST /jobs Supports storing title and description
736 POST /jobs Returns HTTP status 201 and OpenEO-Identifier + Location header if successful
737 POST /jobs > status Job status is "created" after successful creation of the job, the data processing does not start yet
750 GET /jobs/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
751 GET /jobs/{id} Returns at least id, process, status and created
752 GET /jobs/{id} title and description are available if provided by the user
754 GET /jobs/{id} > status Correctly reports status (and progress, if supported)
780 DELETE /jobs/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
781 DELETE /jobs/{id} Deletes the job and returns a HTTP 204 on success, otherwise a 4XX.

# Batch Jobs > Logs

# Functionality Description
800 GET /jobs/{id}/logs Is supported (with authentication)
801 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > offset parameter Supports query parameter offset, only returns log entries that were logged after the given offset
804 GET /jobs/{id}/logs Valid response with at least logs and links as arrays
805 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > level level property is available if log_level has been set for the job or the level parameter has been provided
806 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > logs The served log entries are valid according to the specification (id, level and message are required)
807 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > logs time is supported, core and data is supported if applicable
808 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > logs The message is short and concise, doesn't contain full stack traces.

# Batch Jobs > Results

# Functionality Description
850 POST /jobs/{id}/results Supports queueing/starting jobs (with authentication)
851 POST /jobs/{id}/results Queues or starts the processing, which is reflected in the job status. Does nothing if already queued or running. Responds with HTTP status 202.
852 POST /jobs/{id}/results Rejects queueing a job if a payment is required.
860 GET /jobs/{id}/results Is supported (with authentication)
861 GET /jobs/{id}/results Returns HTTP status code 200 if the result is available, HTTP status code 424 with error message if the job status is "error", 4XX/5XX otherwise.
863 GET /jobs/{id}/results > partial parameter If processing has not finished and the partial parameter is not set to true, requests are rejected with openEO error JobNotFinished.
865 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Response is a valid STAC Item or Collection
866 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Supports a valid STAC version (0.9.0 or later, preferrably 1.0.0).
869 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Assets all have an href and type, ideally also a title
870 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Additional metadata is provided for the results (e.g. extents, projection, bands, dimensions). Please provide details in the comments.
871 GET /jobs/{id}/results > public access link Support canonical links (a public access signed URL, exposed as link with relation type canonical)
872 GET /jobs/{id}/results > public access link Exposes the expires property in the response body
890 DELETE /jobs/{id}/results Is supported (with authentication)
891 DELETE /jobs/{id}/results Cancels data processing (if queued or running), optionally deletes the batch job results and returns a HTTP 202 on success.

# Synchronous Processing

# Functionality Description
900 POST /result Is supported (with authentication)
901 POST /result > process Only accepts valid process submissions
905 POST /result Returns HTTP status 200 on success with the data in the response body, HTTP status codes 4XX or 5XX on failure with valid response body
906 POST /result > Content-Type header Returns suitable media type for the requested file format (not always application/octet-stream) in the Content-Type header
910 POST /result Rejects processing if a payment is required.

# L3: Advanced

# API fundamentals

# Functionality Description
8 All > Error Handling Additionally returns id and/or url properties
10 All > Process Graphs Multiple result nodes (e.g. save result as GeoTiff and netCDF)

# Well-known Discovery

# Functionality Description
22 GET /.well-known/openeo Lists production and development instance (if applicable)

# Conformance Classes

# Functionality Description
60 GET /conformance Is supported (without authentication)
61 GET /conformance Valid response with at least conformsTo

# Authentication

# Functionality Description
111 GET /credentials/basic HTTP Basic is not supported in production

# Pre-defined Processes

# Functionality Description
203 GET /processes > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links

# Collections

# Functionality Description
305 GET /collections > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links
330 GET /collections/{id}/queryables Is supported and valid JSON Schema

# User-defined processes

# Functionality Description
402 GET /process_graphs > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. Pagination links

# Validation

# Functionality Description
490 POST /validation Is supported (with authentication)
491 POST /validation For valid input: HTTP 200 returning an empty errors array
492 POST /validation For invalid input: HTTP 200 with a non-empty errors array. Each objects contains at least code and message.
493 POST /validation HTTP status codes 4XX and 5XX are not used to indicate errors in the process. They only indicate invalid HTTP requests or server errors
494 POST /validation > id Checks validity of process id
495 POST /validation > parameters Checks validity of parameters (e.g. JSON Schema)
496 POST /validation > returns Checks validity of return value (e.g. JSON Schema)
497 POST /validation > process_graph Checks validity of provided process graph (e.g. parameters used, processes available, parameters provided valid, …)

# Batch Jobs

# Functionality Description
712 GET /jobs > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links
732 POST /jobs > billing Has billing support (plan, budget)
733 POST /jobs > log_level Supports setting a min. log level
735 POST /jobs > additionalProperties Accepts/supports additional properties (if applicable) - please provide a list of them in the comments
753 GET /jobs/{id} Has billing support (plan, costs, budget, usage)
755 GET /jobs/{id} > additionalProperties Correctly reflects additional properties set during job creation (or after job update)
760 PATCH /jobs/{id} Supports updating batch jobs (with authentication)
764 PATCH /jobs/{id} Supports updating title and description

# Batch Jobs > Logs

# Functionality Description
802 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > level parameter Supports query parameter level
803 GET /jobs/{id}/logs > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links

# Batch Jobs > Estimates

# Functionality Description
820 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate Is supported (with authentication), provides at least one of costs, duration or size
821 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate > costs Supports cost estimates
824 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate > downloads_included Specifies how many full downloads of the processed data are included in the estimate.
825 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate > expires Specifies the time until the estimate is valid.
826 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate Returns with HTTP 200 on success and returns with HTTP status 500 and error code EstimateComplexity if an estimate can't be computed.

# Batch Jobs > Results

# Functionality Description
864 GET /jobs/{id}/results > OpenEO-Costs header Supports the OpenEO-Costs header
867 GET /jobs/{id}/results > STAC Supports a full STAC hierachy (i.e. childs/items in a Collection)

# Synchronous Processing

# Functionality Description
902 POST /result > billing Has billing support (plan, budget)
903 POST /result > log_level Supports setting a min. log level
904 POST /result > additionalProperties Accepts/supports additional properties (if applicable) - please provide a list of them in the comments
907 POST /result > OpenEO-Costs header Returns OpenEO-Costs header
908 POST /result > Link header Returns a link to logs in the Link header (relation type "monitor")
909 POST /result > multiple files Supports TAR file format (or other archive format) if multiple files get generated


# UDF Runtimes

# Functionality Description
71 GET /udf_runtimes Is supported
72 GET /udf_runtimes Works without authentication
73 GET /udf_runtimes Works with authentication
74 GET /udf_runtimes Valid response with at least type, default and versions per UDF runtime
75 GET /udf_runtimes title and description are provided for all fUDF runtimes

# L3-FS: File Storage

# File Storage

# Functionality Description
500 GET /files Is supported (with authentication)
501 GET /files Valid response with at least files and links as arrays
502 GET /files > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links
503 GET /files > limit parameter All processes are returned if no limit parameter is provided
504 GET /files > files The served file metadata is valid according to the specification (path is required)
505 GET /files > files File sizes and modification dates are provided
506 GET /files > files Paths are valid according to the specification (no leading slash, unix-style separator, no URL encoding)
510 PUT /files/{path} Supports uploading files (with authentication)
511 PUT /files/{path} Paths are correctly parsed (works around the OpenAPI limitation)
512 PUT /files/{path} Support for folders
513 PUT /files/{path} Overrides existing files if applicable
520 GET /files/{path} Is supported (with authentication)
521 GET /files/{path} Provides the file content, correctly encoded (upload + download don't change the checksum of the files) and with a suitable media type
530 DELETE /files/{path} Is supported (with authentication)
531 DELETE /files/{path} Deletes the file and returns a HTTP 204 on success, otherwise a 4XX.

# L3-SWS: Secondary Web Services

# Secondary Web Service Discovery

# Functionality Description
600 GET /service_types Is supported
601 GET /service_types Works without authentication
602 GET /service_types Works with authentication
603 GET /service_types Valid response with at least configuration and process_parameters per service
604 GET /service_types title and description are provided for all services

# Secondary Web Services

# Functionality Description
610 GET /services Is supported (with authentication)
611 GET /services Valid response with at least services and links as arrays
612 GET /services > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links
613 GET /services > limit parameter All services are returned if no limit parameter is provided
614 GET /services > services The served service metadata is valid according to the specification (id, url, type and enabled are required)
615 GET /services > services title is provided for all services (if provided by the user)
630 POST /services Supports creating services (with authentication)
631 POST /services > process Only accepts valid process submissions
632 POST /services > configuration Supports configuration parameters, rejects invalid configuration parameters
633 POST /services > type Rejects invalid types, accepts types case insensitive
634 POST /services > billing Has billing support (plan, budget)
635 POST /services > log_level Supports setting a min. log level
636 POST /services Supports storing title, description and enabled
638 POST /services Returns HTTP status 201 and OpenEO-Identifier + Location header if successful
650 GET /services/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
651 GET /services/{id} Returns at least id, url, type, enabled, process, configuration and attributes
652 GET /services/{id} title and description are available if provided by the user
653 GET /services/{id} Has billing support (plan, costs, budget, usage)
660 PATCH /services/{id} Supports updating services (with authentication)
661 PATCH /services/{id} > process Allows updating processes, but only accepts valid process submissions
662 PATCH /services/{id} > configuration Supports updating configuration parameters
663 PATCH /services/{id} > configuration Rejects invalid configuration parameters
664 PATCH /services/{id} > type Rejects invalid types, accepts types case insensitive
665 PATCH /services/{id} > billing Has billing support (plan, budget)
666 PATCH /services/{id} > log_level Supports updating the min. log level
667 PATCH /services/{id} > enabled Supports enabling/disabling the service
668 PATCH /services/{id} Supports updating title and description
680 DELETE /services/{id} Is supported (with authentication)
681 DELETE /services/{id} Deletes the service and returns a HTTP 204 on success, otherwise a 4XX.

# L4: Above and Beyond

# Secondary Web Services

# Functionality Description
616 GET /services Supports on-demand web services (processing while using the service)
617 GET /services Supports viewing of batch job results (processing beforehand as batch job, i.e. load_result -> save process)
637 POST /services > additionalProperties Accepts/supports additional properties (if applicable) - please provide a list of them in the comments
654 GET /services/{id} > additionalProperties Correctly reflects additional properties set during service creation (or after service update)
669 PATCH /services/{id} > additionalProperties Accepts/supports additional properties (if applicable)

# Secondary Web Services > Logs

# Functionality Description
690 GET /services/{id}/logs Is supported (with authentication)
691 GET /services/{id}/logs > offset parameter Supports query parameter offset, only returns log entries that were logged after the given offset
692 GET /services/{id}/logs > level parameter Supports query parameter level
693 GET /services/{id}/logs > limit parameter Support for pagination, incl. pagination links
694 GET /services/{id}/logs Valid response with at least logs and links as arrays
695 GET /services/{id}/logs > level level property is available if log_level has been set for the service or the level parameter has been provided
696 GET /services/{id}/logs > logs The served log entries are valid according to the specification (id, level and message are required)
697 GET /services/{id}/logs > logs time is supported, core and data is supported if applicable
698 GET /services/{id}/logs > logs The message is short and concise, doesn't contain full stack traces.

# Batch Jobs

# Functionality Description
761 PATCH /jobs/{id} > process Allows updating processes, but only accepts valid process submissions
762 PATCH /jobs/{id} > billing Has billing support (plan, budget)
763 PATCH /jobs/{id} > log_level Supports updating the min. log level
765 PATCH /jobs/{id} > additionalProperties Accepts/supports additional properties (if applicable)

# Batch Jobs > Estimates

# Functionality Description
822 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate > duration Supports runtime duration estimates
823 GET /jobs/{id}/estimate > size Supports result file size estimates

# Batch Jobs > Results

# Functionality Description
862 GET /jobs/{id}/results > partial parameter Supports partial query parameter